Next session begins February 15th. ENROLL NOW

Music Appreciation + Review
Designed as an introductory course for beginners as well as a refresher for undergraduate and graduate music majors, this online lecture series explores all major eras of development of Western music, including orchestral, vocal, jazz, blues, and more.
Music Appreciation + Review is an ideal curriculum for students preparing for a career in the music industry. Continue browsing to find out about our programs, courses, format, and faculty.
Most U.S. music schools require students to undergo proficiency exams prior to their first semester on campus.
Our "The Whole of Music History" series focuses on topics covered during the typical first two semesters of music history,
as well as other exciting topics rarely discussed in the traditional music school curriculum.

Unlike other online courses, Music Appreciation + Review classes are all live and conducted through the Zoom video conferencing app. Follow this link to Zoom’s website to learn more about their free services and compatibility with your device(s).
A paid Zoom membership is not necessary for MA+R classes.